Ron's Miracle Cream Unmasked

A cream formulated to reduce scarring and moisturize the skin.

A little Chemistry Lesson

What is a free radical?

Is it Bill Ayres and the Weatherman?

Well yes and like free radicals in chemistry they are bad for you but I am talking chemistry here. Let's leave the other type of free radicals to be dealt with for another time.

In the world of chemistry, "A free radical is an atom or group of atoms that contains at least one unpaired electron. Electrons are negatively charged particles that usually occur in pairs, forming a chemically stable arrangement. If an electron is unpaired, another atom or molecule can easily bond with it, causing a chemical reaction. Because they join so readily with other compounds, free radicals can effect dramatic changes in the body, and they can cause a lot of damage. Each free radical may exist for only a tiny fraction of a second, but the damage it leaves behind can be irreversible." Link to free radical explanation

This gives rise to the question, what is an "unpaired" electron?

The answer:

Electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom the way our solar system's planets orbit the sun. These electron orbits occur at increasing distances from the nucleus. These distances are called levels or shells. The first level or shell wants to contain two (2) electrons; all additional outer levels want to contain eight (8). If these levels contains less it is than called and unpaired electron or free radical.

Ron's Miracle Cream is formulated to react with free radicals on and in the skin ant therefore reduce their level. It does so by containing antioxidants that are free radical scavengers. This prevents the free radicals from reacting with your skin and body stopping them from doing damage to your body.

The above statement gives rise to the question, what is an antioxidant? Wikipedia defines an antioxidant as:

"An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons or hydrogen from a substance to an oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions can produce free radicals. In turn, these radicals can start chain reactions. When the chain reaction occurs in a cell, it can cause damage or death to the cell. Antioxidants terminate these chain reactions by removing free radical intermediates, and inhibit other oxidation reactions. They do this by being oxidized themselves, so antioxidants are often reducing agents such as thiols, ascorbic acid, or polyphenols."

So what is oxidation?

There are three definitions:

1. Oxidation is a gain of oxygen.

Fe2O3 + 3CO ---> 2Fe + 3CO2

Here the 3CO undergoes oxidation to become 3CO2.

2. Oxidation is loss of hydrogen.


Here CH3CH2OH loses 2H to become CH3CHO.

3. Oxidation is the loss of electrons

Cu2+ + Mg ---> Cu + Mg2+

Here Mg loses 2 electrons, they are added to Cu2+ for it to become Cu.

To summarize free radicals are prevented from reacting with your skin by reaction them with antioxidants.

The cream is also formulated to prevent you skin from loosing moisture. It does so by covering it with a barrier that prevents moisture from being evaporated. Moisture loss from you skin causes aging resulting in the loss of elasticity and wrinkles.

The above explanation is not from a script of, "The Big Band Theory," but the work of my own "strange" mind. Is it a joke? That is for you to determine.

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